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Advisory Board

The RLS Associates Advisory Board


RLS Associates is in the process of developing an Advisory Board concept to assist it in refining its strategic and operations plan.

As part of that process, we are looking for the following types of individuals with whom we can discuss our concept and who might also be interested in participating on one of our regional Advisory Boards:

  1. Experienced and successful business owners who have acquired, sold, or recapitalized closely held businesses previously.
  2. Retired or semi-retired professional advisors, business consultants, commercial lenders and business industry leaders who are interested in, and familiar with, the concerns of owners and operators of mid-market (under $100 million in Sales) businesses.
  3. Senior executives of organizations whose mission statements focus on promoting business development and prosperity.
  4. Managers of investor groups, private equity funds and/or mezzanine funds.
  5. Asset Management, Trust and Private Banking professionals.

If you are the kind of business owner, investor, leader, or consultant who might be interested in serving in this capacity and feel you really have something to bring to the table, please send some background information on yourself which also briefly describes your interest level in this concept to: David Bernstein.

Our intention is to establish a few regional Advisory Boards and to rotate their participants every few years. We look forward to hearing from you and hope that our website has been helpful to you.